Grading Management

- Conduct Online Examination – This system helps eliminate the unnecessary costs and wastage of paper incurred during the examination process. The school can conduct descriptive/objective type examinations.
- Customized Report Card – Once students are evaluated, it is possible to report final grades into the system, upload intermediate grades, generate multiple reports, print report cards.
- Track Students Progress – The system can provide instant feedback on student progress and results can be viewed with a single click of a button.
Benefits of Grading Management
Benefits of Online Exam Management System
Benefits of Grading Management
a) Management of Student Grades
- Edit or delete exam schedules.
- Connect grading features, report the final grade/marks calculation for the relevant group.
- Schedule exams for all batches of a class at the same time using a single tab.
- Teachers with relevant access rights can easily enter/import/edit student grades or marks.
b) Generate Management Reports
- Create grading reports batch – wise/course wise.
- Create subject – wise or assessment – wise reports for different grading systems.
- Customize report card fields, for example, roll number, DOB, parent’s name etc.
- Assess student performance easily and quickly and publish report cards.
- Send notifications regarding exam results to parents and students instantly.
c) Gradebook Management
- Set up the new academic year and the import planner. Import marks in bulk.
- Institutions can create reports student – wise/subject – wise/consolidating both fields.
- Institutions can also create student – based/activity – based/mark-based grading.
- A ready set of report card templates are available to choose from. Institutions can customize the design and information included in report cards.
d) Conduct examinations, assess performance and publish results online
- Reduce paper – based exams.
- Conduct various types of examinations online such as admission entrance tests, employee recruitment tests, surprise classroom tests, subject – wise or topic – wise tests and more.
- After evaluation, teachers can grade and publish the results, and students/parents can receive an instant notification for the same.
- Students can then login to their account and view their result from anywhere at any time.
Benefits of Online Exam Management System
- Instant result processing and quick feedback to students.
- Save time and eliminate unnecessary costs and wastage of paper.
- Cloud storage helps enhance the security of documents or records.