
- This module helps enhance student safety, track vehicle status and collect transportation fees.
- Since safety is a priority, parents and school staff can easily track the vehicle location while students are traveling from home to school or vice – versa.
- Vehicle records, records of staff operating in school buses (any other vehicle) can be easily accessed.
- Staff can maintain vehicle records, easily track transport expenses, maintenance schedules and records for vehicles and streamline fee collection process for students availing transportation facilities.
Features of School Transport Management System
Features of School Transport Management System
- Plan and manage your entire transport operation.
- Maintain vehicle information such as routing and stops, student allotment, fee details, fuel expense, repair information, license renewal, pollution check (SMOG) certification, and more.
- Custom fields can be added to record any additional information.
- Add new routes and eliminate the redundant ones. Routes and Stops can be created according to the academic year.
- Fees can be decided based on student location (stop) or it can be a flat amount irrespective of location.
- Assign bus routes to students and employees based on availability of seats.
- Fee collections can be scheduled for transport fees. Receipts can be generated along with academic fees.
- It is possible to define vehicle routes with different pickup/drop routes for every student.
- The system will send instant alerts to parents in case of a route change.
- This system contributes to enhancing the safety and security of the driver and students.